Sunday, December 3, 2017

Dec 2, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting - Creating the Best Club Climate Talk

Today, I finally delivered my last requirement for the ALB award (Advanced Leader Bronze). This is the 10-15 minute talk on "Creating the Best Club Climate" presentation from the Successful Club Series of Toastmasters. The theme for today was "So Good I Can't Explain It".

(photo credits: Cristina Yung)

I also evaluated Ed Ramirez for his Icebreaker speech.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Creating the Best Club Climate

This presentation is part of The Successful Club Series and offers techniques for creating and maintaining a healthy club environment.

The Successful Club Series address the quality of club meetings and offer tips on attracting and maintaining members. This is where members will learn about skills and standards they must strive to achieve a successful club.

The following educational talk on "Creating the Best Club Climate" was presented to the BF Community Toastmasters Club in the December 2, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting at MMCP, Las Piñas City.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Nov 18, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting - How to Conduct Productive Meetings

With a meeting theme "There's nothing like you and me", I finally delivered my last requirement for the ACG award (Advanced Communicator Gold). This is the 1-hour talk on "How to Conduct Productive Meetings" presentation from the Success/Leadership programs of Toastmasters. Right after the presentation, I submitted my ACG application form to VPE Krissy who had to leave with Pres. Leah for an Area Council meeting.

(photo credits: Duchess Munsayac)

Shown above are (L-R): Duchess, Vanessa, Cecil, Chris, Marlon, Cristina and Mars Mercado (guest).

How to Conduct Productive Meetings

Learn the techniques and dynamics for conducting productive meetings in any group. This presentation is from the Success/Leadership programs. The Success/Leadership programs may be applied in a Toastmasters club to enhance members' skills; in companies to increase employees' skills and promote awareness of Toastmasters; and in the community to enhance the general public's skills and to promote awareness of Toastmasters.

The following educational talk on "How to Conduct Productive Meetings" was presented to the BF Community Toastmasters Club in the November 18, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting at MMCP, Las Piñas City.

Speech and Beyond Seminar

I attended the Speech and Beyond training session with 3 of BFComm club members: Pres.Leah, VPE Krissy and Chris. I even won a bite-sized chocolate bar for the demo evaluation contest where Eve Badiola of MSAT Club was test speaker.

The training was held at the Fluor office building and was sponsored by Area 71 under Area Director Jen. Resource speakers were Raul dela Vega (Table Topics, Evaluation), Wilson Lee (Speaker's Block) and Lito Baldisimo.

(photo credits: Jeffrey Ganaba)

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Mentoring: When Does It End?

At a recent club meeting, I gave an educational talk, and this was on Mentoring. Mentoring is one of the modules of the Successful Club Series.

Everyone in the audience had a fair grasp of the value of mentoring. In one of my final slides, the title read, "A Finite Relationship", even emphasizing it with the statement "It should not last forever". And to that, I asked the audience, "So, when does mentoring end?" Someone volunteered, "One year!" Another said, "one month!"

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Chapter 1 - Southern Voice Article

The following article was not written by me, but by a former mentee of mine, Anne Macalintal. It appeared in the Maiden Issue of Southern Voice, the Official Newsletter of the Metro South Alabang Toastmasters Club (MSATC) last October 28, 2017.

I referenced a portion of this article (boxed in blue, below) in the powerpoint presentation of my Mentoring Educational Talk.


“Mentoring” discusses how having or being a mentor can benefit club members and the club as a whole. It is one of several modules in the Successful Club Series. The Successful Club Series address the subject of quality club meetings. Members will learn about the skills and standards they must strive to achieve for their club to be successful.

The following educational talk on "Mentoring" was presented to the BF Community Toastmasters Club in the November 4, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting at MMCP, Las Piñas City.

Nov 4, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting - Mentoring Talk

I presented an educational talk on Mentoring. This is the first presentation I gave in partial fulfillment of the requirements for my ALB award (Advanced Leader Bronze). Although the presentation does not require a formal evaluation, it being a talk and not a speech project, I still gave an evaluation form to ACS Ed Ramirez.

(photo credits: Duchess Munsayac)

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Club-Hopping at Metro South as GE

Taking on the helm as General Evaluator when I was invited by my former mentee, Anne Macalintal, to their club, Metro South Alabang Toastmasters (MSAT). This was held at the Launchpad Coworking Space at Commerce Avenue in Alabang.

(photo credits: Anne Macalintal)

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Oct 21, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting

The theme for today's meeting was "The moment you quit, you lose." I was both a prepared speech, and table topics evaluator. My prepared speaker, Krissy, gave her speech "When Quantity Beats Quality" for Pathways' Presentation Mastery Level 1: Evaluation and Feedback, Part 1.

(photo credits: Duchess Munsayac)

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Oct 7, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting

Took on the role as Toastmaster of the Day. With guests: Cris Camacho (Managers for Christ), Daniel Gorospe (Microspeak), and Division Director Jeff Ganaba (Eastwood).

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Sep 16, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting

Took the role of General Evaluator for the meeting with the theme "Revolving Doors". It seems Ching found something slightly amusing with what I was saying, while Feli couldn't contain her giggle.

(photo credits: Leah Catapia)

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

How to Fix Misspelled Words on a Tarpaulin

How do you feel when your organization emphasizes improvement of communication skills yet uses demonstration charts with incorrect spellings? Embarrassing!

This article will show how I corrected misspellings on a tarp.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Sep 2, 2017 New Officers Election for 2017-2018

With Pres. Sonny Calinao stepping down due to other commitments, we now have a new set of officers: Pres. Leah, VPE Krissy, VPM Duchess, VPPR Russell, Sec. Ching, Treasurer Cristina and SAA Les. In today's meeting, I was Toastmaster of the Day and also evaluated Russell.

(photo credits: Duchess Munsayac)

Here now is the updated list:

PresidentRobert CalinaoLeah Catapia
VP EducationLeah CatapiaKrissy R.
VP Membership Duchess MunsayacDuchess Munsayac
VP Public RelationsKrissy R.Russell Santos
SecretaryDolly delos ReyesChing Bognot
TreasurerCristina YungCristina Yung
Sergeant at ArmsLes AquinoLes Aquino

Good luck and congratulations!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Coaching Session for the Area Contest

Helped in Coaching Ching and Cecil for the Evaluation Contest at the Area level. Held at Gather Coworking Space at BF Resort, Las Pinas. I was absent at the August 5 meeting due to the renewal of lectors, commentators and psalmists of the MLCP.

(photo credits: Dolly de los Reyes)

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Jul 29, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting - Evaluation Training

Regular club meeting with an Evaluation Training conducted by Raul dela Vega.

(photo credits: Dolly delos Reyes)

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Club Officers Training 1 for 2017-2018

Attended the Toastmasters Club Officers' Training 1 for Divisions H and K at Fluor Daniel in Alabang. Early birds at the cafeteria with Tess Siapno, Lolet, Incoming Div.H Director Jeffrey and Les.

(photo credits: Tess Siapno)

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Pathways Introduction and Anniversary Celebration Part 2

Was the Table Topics Evaluator and Ice Breaker speech evaluator for Cecil in today's meeting. We also had the Pathways Introduction presented by Jeeves and Joko. It was also a Part 2 of BF Community's 10th Anniversary celebration.

Standing L-R: Duch, Jeeves de Veyra, Joko Magalong, Ching, Cecil, Leah, Cristina, Felli, Robert, Russel, Les and Dolly.
Sitting L-R: Raul, Cookie (Past Pres.), Rema, Winnie Empleo (Charter Pres.) and guest.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Installation of 2017-2018 Officers and Other Celebrations

Today was a multi-celebration day for the BF Community Toastmasters Club. Here, I'm being inducted as Sergeant-at-Arms by Outgoing Area Director (and Incoming Division H Director) Jeffrey Ganaba CC. Jeff briefly read the roles and responsibilities of the Sgt-at-Arms while I held the gavel. The same was done to induct the other officers.

Other officers below are: Cristina Yung TM (Treasurer), Dolly de los Reyes ACB CL (Secretary), Krissy R. TM (VP-Public Relations), Duchess Munsayac ACB ALB (VP-Membership), Leah Catapia TM (VP-Education) and Robert Calinao CC (President).

(photo credits: Russell Santos)

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Jun 17, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting - The Humorous Speech

Delivered my 5th Advanced Speech Project - The Humorous Speech from the Humorously Speaking manual. Entitled "Facebook Cliffhangers", the speech was evaluated by President Ian Along ACB CL of the CAMANAVA Brunch Toastmasters Club. Venue was at Mary Mother of the Church Parish (MMCP), BF Homes in Las Piñas City.

Shown below are: Duchess Munsayac, Leah Catapia, Richard Balang, Loise Bañez, Russell Santos, Robert Calinao, Ian Along (Pres.CAMANAVA Club), Dolly delos Reyes, Raul dela Vega, Cecil Castañeda, Ching Bognot and Les Aquino.

(photo credits: Duchess Munsayac)

The Humorous Speech-Sample Speech, "Facebook Cliffhangers"

This speech was delivered to the BF Community Toastmasters Club in the June 17, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting.

Facebook Cliffhangers
(The Humorous Speech, Advanced Speech Project #5 in Humorously Speaking Manual, Jun.17,2017, BFComm TMC, MMCP, Las Piñas. Evaluated by Ian Along ACB CL)


(thumbs up) Thank you! (big smile) Good afternoon everyone! Hey, did you guys see the latest release of the Featured Toastmaster in our Facebook page? Have you seen it? (strike pose) Nice photo and just recent! I kept telling TM Leah that she could’ve just taken any of John Lloyd’s photo off the internet. And people won’t know the difference! (pose) But TM Leah wanted no part of it. And I must say, TM Leah did a great job, yes? Let’s give it up for TM Leah for her post on the Featured Toastmaster in our Facebook page!


Speaking of Facebook, who uses Facebook, by the way? Yes, everyone! Dumb question, I know. All of us have seen many kinds of annoying posts in Facebook. We’ve seen them. One of these types is what I call the Cliffhangers – because they leave you hanging and in suspense. Let me give you an example.

One of my friends, her name is Cathy. She posted something on Facebook which read (flash) “My life is horrible! horrible! horrible!” No picture, nothing. And so we, her friends, were all alarmed!

We were all asking her in Facebook, (typing) “What’s wrong Cat?”, “What happened?” No reply. Finally, after 20 or more inquiries, Cathy posted her reply to our questions on what was wrong with her life. Her reply? (flash) “Se-cret.” ♫ That’s her reply, “Secret!”

I said to myself, (on head) “What the heck!” She posted an alarming message, like there was an emergency and now it’s a secret? Why did she post it in the first place!

See, these are the cliffhangers that you see posted in Facebook every now and then. These posts just leave you hanging on, in suspense. So, intentionally, their messages become 10-bits… in Tagalog, “bitin.” They leave you hanging. They leave you in suspense. That’s a cliffhanger.

And then there are those who level it up. They even have a “call for action.” Consider this. And… this is a true story. My former boss Sarah once posted in her status update, (flash) “I’m at a crossroads in my life right now. Please pray.” That’s the call for action - to pray. So I thought, “Pray for what?” And so I replied in Facebook (typing), “Dear Sarah, I’m worried. What is your prayer intention?” And she replied to me, (flash) “Les, I CANNOT tell you.”

“What?” I was about to pull my hair off! Well, whatever is left of it. She wanted prayers, but won’t tell me what for!

One month later, I see Facebook photos of herself and her family in Switzerland. Apparently, they’ve immigrated there and now living “the good life.” Then I realized that the prayer intention was for the approval for her immigration papers. But before these, she left us hanging and kept people in suspense. Another cliffhanger.

And then there are those who ask suggestions from Facebook friends. (flash) “Help me get a name for my new pet dog.. for my pet cat… pet bird, snake, or kangaroo.” And they even offer a prize (word-of-the-day) for the winning entry. So people (finger) think and (typing) post clever and witty nice names, like Fifi or Browny or Fluffy. Sadly, after a week you won’t hear anything anymore from them. Not even a word about which entry won! Nope, they just kept you in suspense. Cliffhanger.


What can be done with these annoying Facebook posts? For the most part, nothing I suppose. Maybe just ignore them. Or how about a big (thumbs-down) dislike button? Oh, there's an angry icon that goes like this (angry face), but that won't really replace the power of a Dislike button. Do you think it will help?

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook posted a (flash) status about Facebook implementing a Dislike Button. But so far, there’s none. (smile, pause) Who knows, maybe he's just teasing us Facebook users.

Maybe he just left us hanging on.
Maybe he’s just keeping us in suspense.
Or maybe, Mark's post… is another… cliffhanger!

Toastmaster of the Day.

Sample Speeches in Humorously Speaking

Sample Speeches in the Old Program

Sample Speeches in Pathways

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Jun 3, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting - Keep Them Laughing

Delivered my 4th advanced speech project from the Humorously Speaking Manual - Keep Them Laughing. Entitled "Toastmasters Sucks!!!", the speech was evaluated by Area Director Jeffrey Ganaba. This is my first prepared speech with BFComm TMC as a regular member. Venue was at Mary Mother of the Church Parish (MMCP), BF Homes in Las Piñas City.

(Shown below: Duchess, Dolly, Robert, Les, Leah, Russell, Loise, Krissy, Jeffrey, Raul and many guests at the back.)

(photo credits: Duchess Munsayac)

Keep Them Laughing-Sample Speech, "Toastmasters Sucks!"

This speech was delivered at the BF Community Toastmasters Club in the June 3, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting.

Toastmasters Sucks!!!
(Keep Them Laughing, Advanced Speech Project #4 in Humorously Speaking Manual, Jun.3,2017, BFComm TMC, MMCP, Las Piñas. Evaluated by AD Jeffrey Ganaba CC)


Good afternoon Toastmasters. Thank you, Toastmaster of the Day. Just a minor correction though. The title of my speech is not "Toastmasters Sucks." The title is "Toastmasters Sucks!!!" Those were the words I said to myself when I came out from the first Toastmasters meeting I attended many years ago.


Ten years ago, I was thinner, maybe 30 lbs. lighter. A new Toastmasters club was formed at our office where I was employed previously. All the senior managers in the company were the founding members of that club.

One day, the managers decided to require all engineers and IT staff to join their Toastmasters meeting. I was one of the IT staff. I didn’t want to go. I simply was not interested in public speaking. But we were forced to go, so I attended.

I was an observer in the meeting. When I came out of that meeting, I was totally turned-off. I thought it was a waste of time. Right there and then, I could have said, “My gahd, I hate Toastmasters.”(with Duterte accent) The meeting looked artificial and exaggerated. I’ll tell you TWO reasons why.

First is the constant handshaking.

I discovered that my boss, a grumpy person at the office, was actually an officer of the club. But in the meeting, he was suddenly warm, friendly and welcomed me like I was a long lost friend! He said “Les! Glad you could make it!" He then shook my hand until my entire body trembled.

The other club officers waved their arms to greet me and shook my hand. One of them was even carrying a hammer. Later, for some strange reasons, he banged that hammer on the table - not once, but twice!

Oh it didn’t stop there. There was handshaking every time someone went up to say something in front at the lectern (demo). Finally, more handshaking when everyone had to leave.

It was like they were all running for mayor and were actively campaigning. I don’t know. At that time, it just seemed too artificial for me.

The second one was the constant clapping.

When someone is called, everyone claps. When someone stands to come in front, everyone claps. I thought I was attending a graduation ceremony. At the start, everyone was clapping generously and loudly (demo), with so much gusto. Well, like in graduation ceremony, when the list of graduates is long, the clapping gets tired.

In that meeting, it was the same. I was loudly clapping for all the speakers and then for all the evaluators. By the time the Ah-counter came along to give his ah counter’s report, my palms were already red, tired, and painful from all the clapping.

And all I could give for the Ah-counter was this (demo) – a slow clap. The numerous clapping looked so exaggerated, like it was overacting already.

With these two pet peeves I had, still, I decided to try out, and "answer the call" (theme) of Toastmasters with the basic speeches. It was only later then that I discovered that these two had real purposes in Toastmasters meetings!

The first, the handshaking, is a universal greeting gesture to recognize. In all our meetings, it is an ingenious (word of the day) way to hand over control of the floor from one speaker to another.

Clapping, on the other hand, demonstrated the idea of unconditional support and encouragement that Toastmasters give each other. And this is something that Toastmasters is known for, support and encouragement.


So, friends, new members and newbies, don’t be put-off by these seemingly exaggerated motions. They have their place and they are normal and typical with all Toastmasters meetings.

Those past impressions of mine were from 10 years ago... 10 years ago. And… 39 speech projects later… here I am, no longer saying “Toastmasters sucks!”, but now saying, “Toastmasters rocks!”. Good Afternoon. Toastmaster of the Day.

Sample Speeches in Humorously Speaking

Sample Speeches in the Old Program

Sample Speeches in Pathways

Saturday, May 20, 2017

May 20, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting

Evaluated Cristina Yung (shown standing) on her Basic Speech Project #8, Get Comfortable with Visual Aids, in the Competent Communication Manual.

(photo credits: Duchess Munsayac)

Saturday, May 6, 2017

May 6, 2017 Toastmasters Meeting

Today, I was the Table Topics Evaluator for the club meeting with the theme, "Work, work, work". This theme was a belated celebration of Labor Day. Krissy R. was the Topicsmaster. Leah Catapia was the Toastmaster of the Day.

(photo credits: Dolly de los Reyes)

Saturday, April 1, 2017

First Meeting with the BF Community Toastmasters Club

Became Table Topics Evaluator with the meeting's theme "Summertime". I've already signed up with BF Community Toastmasters Club and this is my first meeting with the club as a regular member.

Shown below: 3 guests, Les, Leah, Krissy, Ian, Lolet, Lauren, LJ, Nelcy, guest, Dolly and Russell.

(photo credits: Dolly delos Reyes)

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Club Hopping Sessions with the BFComm TMC

Seeking a Toastmasters club that would be a good fit for me and my schedule, I attended a few meetings with the BF Community Toastmasters Club.

I club-hopped not to deliver speeches, but to see and feel the general ambiance. I took on evaluator roles (table topics and prepared speeches) to help with the evaluations. I also joined Table Topics.

Mar 4, 2017 Meeting: Table Topic respondent with the theme "Fake It Till You Become It"

Shown Front: Jeffrey Ganaba (Eastwood TMC), Dolly, Rema Manzano, Hannah Magana (Eastwood TMC), Leah Catapia. Back: 4 guests, Krissy, LJ Sablan, Cristina and Les.

(photo credits: Dolly delos Reyes)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Last Meeting with the Alabang Community Toastmasters (ACT) Club

Today would be my last meeting with the Alabang Community Toastmasters (ACT) Club as a club member. This "Open House" meeting was held at the Crimson Hotel 8th floor lobby.

Shown below are: Irene Gelio from AXA, Cesar Gustilo, Rudy Magdaraog, Edna Guevara from Maxim, Ian, Eve Badiola, Lolet, Leslee from Crimson, Tetet Salazar, Anne and Les.