Introducing the Presenter
"Our first speaker competed and became Area Champion in the 2006 Quartethlon Contest. He has presented and published 5 technical papers in his career as an IT professional in various symposia here and abroad.
One major lesson he learned in his journey as a Toastmaster is to never stop public speaking. He learned that the moment you stop, your public speaking skills will slowly deteriorate. There's a saying among athletes that aptly describes this, "You use it, or you lose it."
To talk about our first topic for today, Body Language and Gestures, please welcome our first speaker, ACG ALB Les Aquino"
The slide presentation above is simply an outline of the talk using bullet points. I still have my notes for the talk. If you need help on the above presentation, feel free to ask your questions by clicking on the "Post a Comment" link below and I will be glad to help.
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