Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Oct 26, 2005 Toastmasters Meeting - Ice Breaker

Today, I delivered my Ice Breaker speech for Toastmasters. Entitled "Fast Forward", this is my first speech in the Toastmasters club. The meeting was held in the Integrity Room of the Analog Design Center or ADC. This is not the usual venue for the club meetings. It was obvious that the room wasn't set up for function meetings yet because some of the tables were stacked close together.

The Ice Breaker-Sample Speech, "Fast Forward"

Fast Forward
(The Ice Breaker - Speech Project #1 in the Competent Communication Manual, Oct.26,2005, ON Semiconductor. Evaluated by Gina Mapua)


You know, several weeks ago, I called up Dan over the phone and I said “Dan, I used to be with the toastmasters club and I’d like to rejoin. How do I do that?”

At the other end, Dan said “Oh really? That’s no problem. Just go on attend the next session. Ask Mic when the next session will be. And by the way, be ready with your Ice Breaker speech.” And that’s why I’m here today.

But two years ago, I was already a de facto member of this club and after only 3 or 4 sessions, I left. So today, I’ll talk about why I left and why I’m coming back.