Saturday, July 1, 2017

Installation of 2017-2018 Officers and Other Celebrations

Today was a multi-celebration day for the BF Community Toastmasters Club. Here, I'm being inducted as Sergeant-at-Arms by Outgoing Area Director (and Incoming Division H Director) Jeffrey Ganaba CC. Jeff briefly read the roles and responsibilities of the Sgt-at-Arms while I held the gavel. The same was done to induct the other officers.

Other officers below are: Cristina Yung TM (Treasurer), Dolly de los Reyes ACB CL (Secretary), Krissy R. TM (VP-Public Relations), Duchess Munsayac ACB ALB (VP-Membership), Leah Catapia TM (VP-Education) and Robert Calinao CC (President).

(photo credits: Russell Santos)

Here is the list of outgoing and incoming sets of officers.

PresidentDolly delos Reyes ACB CLRobert Calinao CC
VP EducationRobert Calinao CCLeah Catapia CC
VP Membership Rema Manzano DTMDuch Munsayac ACB ALB
VP Public RelationsKrissy R. TMKrissy R. TM
SecretaryLeah Catapia TMDolly delos Reyes ACB CL
TreasurerCristina Yung TMCristina Yung TM
Sergeant at ArmsDuch Munsayac ACB ALBLes Aquino ACS CL

After the installation of officers, a photo-op with Outgoing Division H Director Raul dela Vega. Later, a mini-awarding ceremony was also held. I won the "Early Birds" award, (with Russell Santos) and then I later won "Mr. Congeniality" by way of secret voting (big surprise for me!).

Because of the big group, we moved to the next (more spacious) room for a photo-op with the rest of the members and guests. A part of the celebration was the club's achieving the Select Distinguished Award from District 75.

From the meeting, we headed to Prima Resort in Las PiƱas City for a swimming party. We were also celebrating the club's 10th year anniversary!

(photo credits: Cristina Yung)

Happy 10th Birthday, BF Community Toastmasters Club!

Though a swimming party, only Robert, Duchess and her 2 kids, and myself took a dip in the pool.

Congratulations to all!