They had some guest toastmasters there like Sassi Casas, Ann Danga, Mark Escay and Division Director Jayson O'Brimon. It was a bit chilly from where I sat.
This time, I moved towards the front of the room to sit. The room is a bit cramped for the number of people attending. I've also started using a highlighting marker. This is to allow me to quickly see the more important points when I give my evaluation.
Overall, it was a fun group. Shown inside the "Facebook Like Page" frame are: Best Impromptu Speaker, Best Prepared Speaker and Best Evaluator.
Before the MSATC meeting, Anne and I took the opportunity to have a photo-op. This was to get the pictorial out of the way, especially when the meeting would have taken its toll on us.
In the end, it was a toss-up between the two above photos, with the second photo eventually submitted by Anne.
Shown below is the scanned copy of the meeting program.
And that's... a wrap!
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