Attending the Second Open House meeting were club members and guests. Seated (L-R): Roma, Cristina Yung, Duchess Marie Munsayac, Sugar Loise Bañez, Ching Bognot and Leah Catapia. Standing: Chloe de Guzman, John Wallis, Ellen de Guzman, Glenn Desquitado, Mimi, James Exequiel (Fort Bonifacio), Earl, Julie Ann Lumaban, Glendy Artes, Basher Toboot (Maharlika), Gigi Santos, Nelson Salazar (Alabang Community), me, Porsh, Camille and Marlon Sanchez.
Dolly de los Reyes stopped by but had to leave. Raul dela Vega left after his speech. Matt Ventura (Sigma), Nelle Cirujales and her guest Kit had to skip the photo-shoot.
Organizing today's Open House was Loise Bañez. Organizing this Open House event would help her complete her Competent Leader (CL) norm.
It was my first time to be the Toastmaster of the Day for an Open House meeting. As there were slight changes to the format of a regular Toastmasters club meeting, I had to check my printed program.
Introductions and a Contest Piece
In the Introductions portion, Ching passed the microphone to first-time visitors to introduce themselves and tell the group how they learned of the club.
Shown below is Nelson Salazar from Alabang Community Toastmasters Club with his introduction.
Ching engaged the first-timers in a brief interview portion. Below, she's interviewing Camille, a first-time guest.
Another guest was Kit who came with Nelle Cirujales.
International Prepared speech champion Raul de la Vega was there to deliver his contest piece which he used in the Division H Speech Contest last Feb 23, 2019.
He requested some feedback on his speech to help him improve. For that, we passed out feedback forms with questions for all attendees to answer.
I was able to relax a bit while everyone was finishing their feedback form (below-left). During the program, I had to give announcements from slips of paper passed by the security guard (below-right).
Written on the slips of paper were plate numbers of vehicles that needed to be moved. So, I had to call out drivers of the said vehicles.

Duchess actually had to move her car twice for vehicles that had to exit the parking lot. There was ample parking at the venue, but vehicles were lined up in two rows and may require one to move so another may exit.
Table Topics Portion
After Raul's contest piece speech, was the Table Topics portion. Cristina Yung took the stage as Table Topics master. Prior to the program, she gave guests a form with a question.
Below, Cristina sits at the side as guest Gigi Santos responds in the Table Topics portion.
Open House Organizer Loise then gave her evaluation of Table Topics.
At the conclusion of the Table Topics Evaluation, it was then decided to have a break. The snacks were ready and it would be a good logical point.
A Sumptuous and Enjoyable Break
Snacks were served to everyone, care of the club organizers.
Everyone had a fine enjoyable time during the break as each one mingled with others.
Here's what we had for snacks. Each one had a plate of club sandwiches, butterscotch brownies, hash browns and iced tea.
Prepared Speeches and Evaluation Portion
After the 15-minute break, we resumed with the Prepared Speeches. Starting off with the speeches was Glendy with her speech entitled, "Speak Up". This was her Ice Breaker for the Presentation Mastery path.
The second speaker was James. James' speech project was Cross-Cultural Understanding from the Strategic Relationships path with the speech title, "Myth Buster".
After the Prepared Speeches came the club's top-notch evaluation. Champion evaluator from the recent club contest, Leah, evaluated Glendy. 2017 Divison H champion evaluator, Ching, evaluated James (below).
There was no typical General Evaluator in this Open House meeting and so it was up to me, as Toastmaster of the Day, to call on the Functionaries. The first to deliver her report as Grammarian was VP-Membership Duchess Munsayac.
A confident Eric Advincula delivered the Ah Counters report. Club Treasurer Marlon Sanchez gave the Time Management report (below).
Rewards Program Presentation and Conclusion
As part of Division H's encouragement and support to its clubs, James delivered a special presentation. He presented the Amazing Race 6-8-10 program as a means to give out incentives or rewards to distinguished clubs.
Towards the end of the meeting, I gave a spiel on the benefits of Toastmasters directed to the first-time visitor of the club. This was for them to continue coming back as guests, or even better, as members.
Fortunately, there were new member sign-ups after the meeting. Finally, Club President Ching thanked everyone for coming and for making the club's Open House a success.
Here's a scanned copy of today's program of the Open House.
And that's... a wrap!
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