Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Problem with Pathways Certificate of Completion

Earlier I mentioned my Innovative Planning Level 3 Award certificate that had a missing Level 3 icon. I did report this to Education Awards over at Toastmasters International but I have yet to receive a reply - not even an acknowledgement.

Instead, after 3 days, I received a survey questionnaire asking how my question was handled by TI staff! Of course, I rated them poorly as I received no reply at all.

No amount of re-"viewing" the certificate at different times made it appear correct. So yeah, the glitch is still there. Fortunately, I was able to verify through the Educational Achievements (recent) report that, indeed, I was awarded the Innovative Planning Level 3 (IP3) award. The report Educational Achievements below from TI shows just that.

A Widespread Problem?

Well, apparently, there were others who have experienced this problem or glitch too. This I was able to read over at the Official Toastmasters International Members group page in Facebook.

One specifically asked if there was a problem with certificates. To that forum poster, I commented I had a problem too. The other forum poster his Level 5 certificate as shown below and you'd see the same empty box as pointed by the red arrow.

TI's migration to another location is now resulting in so many delays to its processes.