Saturday, September 15, 2018

Application for Club Mentor Credit in UPS Alabang TMC

My application for Club Mentor Credit or the Get Credit Form has been signed by UPS Alabang President Jason in the Sep 7 UPS Alabang Club Meeting. By default, the status of new club sponsors and mentors in the report would appear as "PENDING" as shown below.

Since my club mentorship with UPS Alabang has reached 6 months, the Get Credit Form may be signed.

Advanced Leader Silver Application

The Club Mentoring completion is second-to-the-last requirement I need to fulfill to get my ALS or Advanced Leader Silver Award. The last requirement that I still need to accomplish will be the completion of my term as Area Director.

Here are the four requirements for the Advanced Leader Silver Award (ALS):
  1. Received Advanced Leader Bronze award
  2. Completed the High Performance Leadership program.
  3. Served successfully as club sponsor, mentor, specialist or coach.
  4. Served a complete term (July 1 - June 30) as a district officer.

Finally, the club mentorship has been awarded in Sep 12, 2018 as shown in my profile's Club Support History report below.

The status in new club sponsors and mentors will then be updated as "AWARDED" as shown below.

Just the completion of my Area Director term (next year) and I will be done with my ALS or Advanced Leader Silver norm.