Attending the planning session were the incoming officers (L-R): Loise Banez (VP-Education), Leah Catapia (PP), Ching Bognot (IPP), Jude Ola (SAA), Raul dela Vega (facilitator), Ed Ramirez (Secretary), Cristina Yung (President) and Alvin Panghulan (VP-Membership).
Before we started the meeting, breakfast was served. I had the breakfast steak (burger steak), scrambled eggs, rice and brewed coffee. I also attended the planning session as VP-Public Relations, but I'm not in any of the photos.
The Club Success Plan is a planning document for defining the goals of a club. Club officers should create a Club Success Plan for their club in order to help them focus their efforts and the efforts of the club as a whole during their term in office.
In particular, the Club Success Plan represents the club's stated criteria in defining success for the club in the Distinguished Club Program. (copied from our Division's FB page)
Before lunch, Incoming Division Director Anne arrived. She was to take part in the Induction Ceremonies for the New Officers and Members in the afternoon.
For lunch we had soybean curd (tokwa), tilapia and chicken. Nice.
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