A Successful Club Contest by Jan 5, 2019
(Manage Projects Successfully 1st Speech, Jan 19, 2019, BF Community TMC, Cassalu Restaurant, Las Piñas City. Evaluated by Nona Hermogenes DTM)
(Manage Projects Successfully 1st Speech, Jan 19, 2019, BF Community TMC, Cassalu Restaurant, Las Piñas City. Evaluated by Nona Hermogenes DTM)
“But I want to join in a club contest!” Those were the words of Immediate Past President Leah Catapia in an Officers Meeting last November. That’s her reply when confronted with the idea that we might not need a club contest, and that we will simply be appointing members to become contestants. Good afternoon, fellow Toastmasters.
In the last Officers Meeting, we, the club officers decided to bring the matter to the club members, primarily to know how many would be willing to join the contest. And as you remember, we asked for volunteers as contestants in a club contest. Pres. Ching was even voluntelling some of you to join and compete in the club contest.
Wow, I must say that I was pleasantly surprised to see many of you accepting the challenge! And so, I was convinced that, yes, a club contest must be held. I too was voluntold to be the Overall Chair of the club contest. And so, as Overall Chair, that’s what I intended to accomplish, to be able to plan for and eventually conduct a successful club contest for all four categories by January 5, 2019.
The caveat is that… I’ve never been a Contest Chair before, ever. This project of organizing a club contest seems daunting. But for me, this project presents an opportunity to learn and grow. Also, I know I will not be alone in this project. As part of the project team, we have Division Director Dolly and VP-Membership Duchess who have had experience in being Contest Chair and Contest Toastmaster. They will take the roles as Chief Judge and Contest Toastmaster, respectively. And then there’s Pres. Ching who will take care of logistics and other resources.
The project team will ensure a successful club contest for our stakeholders, you our club members. And what’s our success indicators? To start and finish all contests on time and to be able to conduct the contest with fairness, hopefully without protests, and for everyone to simply enjoy the contests.
So, project team and club contestants, are you with me in this project? Let’s make the January 5 club contest for BF Community, a successful reality. Toastmaster of the Day.
This 1st speech is delivered after the project was completed. Ideally, it should be delivered BEFORE the project is completed. Hence, I wrote an introduction to be read by the TOD to clarify this matter and why it is written in the present and future tenses.
"Our next speaker will deliver a short Level 4 speech from the Innovative Planning path. This is the First Speech in the speech project called Manage Projects Successfully. The purpose of the First Speech is for the member to give a short overview of the plan for his or her project.
The project that our next speaker chose is the BF Community Club Contest which was held last Jan. 5.
Our speaker acknowledges that his speech is “after the fact” or after the project was completed. It is for this reason that the delivery of the speech will be in the future tense.
The title of the speech is “A Successful Club Contest by January 5, 2019”, and will be timed at 2 to 3 minutes. To be evaluated by DTM Nona Hermogenes, friends, please welcome ACG ALB Les Aquino."
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