Shown below are the delegates from the BF Community Toastmasters Club (L-R): Duchess Marie Cruz Munsayac, Leah Catapia, Ching Bognot, Sugar Loise Banez, Russell Santos, me and Ed Ramirez.
(Note: Unless otherwise specified via captions, all photo and video credits go to JD Morales from Sigma Toastmasters Club.)
For Area 73, we had Leah (Evaluation), Russell (Table Topics) and Ed (Humorous and Prepared) representing BF Community Toastmasters Club. Duchess is a dual member with Alabang Community Toastmasters and competed in the Evaluation Contest representing ACT.
Opening of the Joint Area Contest
To formally open and start the Joint Area Contest for Division H, all four Area Directors held the gavel and altogether banged it on the block.
Shown below are the four Area Directors of Division H (L-R): Kate (Area 74), JK (Area 71), Anne (Area 72) and me (Area 73) with Division H Director Dolly.
Below-left is perennial Toastmaster of the Day, AD Kate, emceeing the day's proceedings. Below-right is Division H Director Dolly giving the Welcome Remarks.

The Contest Masters (most often called Contest Toastmasters) for the four contests, in order of appearance, were:
Division H Club Growth Director Jen Espanto for Evaluation (below-left) and Fort Bonifacio TMC Pres. James Exequiel for Humorous (below-right)

Area 71 Director JK Lopez for Table Topics (below-left) and Area 73 Director Les Aquino for International Prepared (below-right)

Each Contest Master called the contestants over the public address system for a briefing as well as the drawing of the lots for the speaking sequence in each contest. This was done even before anyone took the stage.
Registration and Filling of Forms
Manning the registration table were members from the Metro South Alabang TMC (L-R): Paulo Tipan, Suzet Arancillo and Cecile Reynales. Paulo doubled up later as Timer.
Once inside, contestants also filled out two important forms: Eligibility Criteria and the Member Profile. The first is to declare the contestant's eligibility and the second is to provide some info for possible interview questions.
The stage is shown farther back in the photo below.
The entire proceeding unraveled using the following Contest Program prepared by Contest Chair Anne Macalintal as guide.
Marshall at the Evaluation Speech Contest
One of the roles I volunteered for in the contest was that of a Contest Marshall. In the photo below, the Evaluation Contest was about to start and I was near at the back. If I look lost, that's because I was trying to find my bearings as a marshall.🤔 Haha.
Here are three of the Evaluation contestants: Matt Ventura (Sigma), Duchess Munsayac (ACT) and Patt Jubilado (J&J).
BF Community TMC President Ching Bognot with Evaluation contestant Leah Catapia.
Here's a part of the audience attending the contests.
Some of the guests (L-R): Vangie Pascual, Maria Azucena "Chen" Villacorta, Nona Hermogenes, Dolores Corpuz, Beth Pableo.
Some of the judges and timers at the front row.
Lunch at Contest Break
Lunch was served after the Evaluation and Humorous Contests. After lunch, then it will be the Table Topics and International Prepared Contests.
Shown below is my son Rence and I having lunch during the break at the cafeteria. He went to the venue to do the calligraphy lettering of names on the winners' certificates.
The lettering didn't push through though as the organizers decided to simply print all certificates.
Contest Toastmaster for International Prepared Speech Contest
Just a week before the contest, International Speech Contest Master Toto Gustilo had to beg off due to commitments. I was requested by Contest Chair Anne to replace him. Fortunately, I had some experience as a Contest Toastmaster from the recently concluded Club Contest for BF Community TMC.
Also, in the Conducting Quality Club Speech Contests training, Pastor Toto replaced me at the last minute for the Invocation portion. So this time, I was just happy to oblige and replace him.
Shown below is my introduction to the International Prepared Speech as Contest Master. Yes, it was my less than one minute of fame.
Here's a view of the contest stage from the green chairs. In the photo below, I just had to check my notes whether I said the correct speech title. Haha.
What we used as a chair on stage was actually a bar stool. It wasn't comfy but it sure beats having to stand on stage.
Certificates of Participation for Contestants
Contestants for the Evaluation Speech Contest (L-R): Annette Tayao representing Kash Pena (Aboitiz), JD Morales representing Matthew Ventura (Sigma), Bartek Wasiewski (Fort Bonifacio), Leah Catapia (BF Community), Patt Jubilado (J & J), Abe Clarito (FDIP), Daniel Gorospe (Microspeak), JK for Nahdiya Betonio (Fluor Master Speakers)
Contestants for the Humorous Speech Contest (L-R): Annette Tayao (Aboitiz), Jag Garde (Aboitiz), Ed Ramirez (BF Communmity), CJ Celles (Alabang Community), Raul de la Vega (MSATC), Murriel Natiola (Microspeak), Franz Dominguez (FDIP).
Contestants for the Table Topics Speech Contest (L-R): Bartek Wasiewski (Fort Bonifacio), Alu Guevarra (Aboitiz), Ralph Dayrit (Factset), Russell Santos (BF Community), Tsarina Saldana (MSATC), Paola Cruz (J & J), Mhelody Manahan (UPS), Leslie Saban (Maneuver), Junelle Joy San Juan (Microspeak), Abe Jun Clarito (FDIP).
Contestants for the International Prepared Speech Contest (L-R): Franz de la Fuente (Aboitiz), Jag Garde (Fort Bonifacio), Raul de la Vega (MSATC), Ed Ramirez (BF Community), Rico Torres (Microspeak).
Awarding of Certificates and Trophies to Winners
Shown below-left is Contest Chair Anne Macalintal announcing the winners. Below-right are the 84 trophies that were up for grabs for the winners in the 4 areas and 4 contest categories.

It seems that all I did during the announcement of winners was to give away trophies! Not that I was complaining.
At the left side of the stage by the lectern, it was Anne who announced the winners. Dolly then handed the certificate to the winner.
On the other side of the stage, Kate and JK sorted out the trophies and then gave the trophy to me which I then handed to the winner. Nothing of this arrangement was previously planned. It all just happened spontaneously.
Shown below-left is Tzarina Saldana from MSATC. Just three months ago, she was a Test Speaker in the Conducting Quality Club Speech Contest as a newbie!
Below-right is Annette Tayao. Annette, incidentally, is the daughter of Arnaldo "Aldo" Tayao. Aldo and I competed together in the 2006 Area Quartethlon under Division K then!

There were a couple of bloopers with two trophies being given to the wrong persons. Considering the number of trophies, it was minor and the errors quickly sorted out.
BF Community Toastmasters Stellar Performance
Our contestants from BF Community Toastmasters Club did extremely well for Area 73. IPP Leah Catapia placed second in Evaluation Speech Contest.
VP-Education Ed Ramirez placed first place in both in Humorous and International Prepared Speech Contests.
VP-Membership Duchess Munsayac won first place in Evaluation although she represented Alabang Community TMC in this contest. Pres. Ching Bognot, shown below, accepted the award on her behalf.
Last year's Division H Table Topics Champion, Russell Santos, won it again in the Area level.
List of Contest Winners Per Area
Here is the list of winners. The top two placers per area will have the chance to compete in the forthcoming Division H Contest on February 23, 2019.
Congratulations to all the winners!
Closing and Final Group Photo-Ops
At exactly 4 pm, we concluded all the contests and awarded the winners. All four Area Directors held and banged the gavel to formally close the proceedings.
Here's the left side of the big group that attended the Joint Area Contest. That's my son, Rence, seated near center in the front row, with the eyeglasses.
Here's the right portion of the group.
Shown below, with his back to the camera, is JD Morales from Sigma Toastmasters Club. Credits go to him for most of the photos and the video that were included in this article. Thank you JD!
See you all in February 23, 2019 for the Division Contest.
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