Present at the club meeting as shown below were (L-R): Seated: Loise, Cristina, me, Ching and Leah. Standing: Marlyn, Nelle, Alvin, Hans (Ed's son), Russell's student, Rissa, Russell, Russell's student, Earl, Bea, Leonzo, Renzo, Christian, Mark Nuqui and Jude.
Officers' Meeting
Attending the Officers' Meeting were Ching, Cristina, me, Leah, Renzo and Marlon. Over lunch, we discussed DCP points, possible dates for the Christmas/ Thanksgiving party as well as a possible Club Contest.
On the possible club contest, I was "voluntold" by Leah to be the Contest Chair. IPP Leah wanted to join the club contest and so she begged off as contest organizer. I was a bit hesitant. But then I've never been a Contest Chair before, so this would be a good learning opportunity and experience.
As we couldn't figure out a complete list of possible club contestants, we decided to open the idea to the floor in the club meeting. And it's good that Ching went with that option. There were a few who "voluntarily" signed in to the four contest categories: International Prepared, Evaluation, Table Topics and Humorous.
Shown below is the agenda for the Officers' Meeting as prepared by Ching.
Crew Hubbub at the Venue
We had the regular club meeting today at the Main Restaurant of Cassalu and not at the usual Function Room. This was because our usual meeting place (the function room) has already been reserved by another group. With the main restaurant and the function room both reserved for meetings, the food servers had much free time.
To while away the time, they stayed in the open area between the reserved areas. Unfortunately, they became too loud in their banter and laughter.
It was rather difficult listening to speakers with so much laughter outside our venue. Even with the doors closed, the noise was still distracting. I approached the cashier and asked if she's hearing the restaurant crew's noise outside. She said yes.
I guess the cashier knew what I was driving at, and without me saying anything more, she immediately went outside to shush the boisterous crew. And that quieted them down.
Club Contestants for Speech Contest
It was a pleasant surprise that there were quite a few from the attendees who volunteered to be club contestants in the upcoming club contest. I'm not sure exactly know what motivated them, but it's quite a positive reaction from the members, especially the new ones.
Maybe it was Renzo's very positive mini-speech of his contest experience or maybe it was Ching's "voluntelling" the members to join. At any rate, there may be more additional contestants in the final list.
Looking and Assigning Mentors
Just to be sure that those who need mentors, especially the new ones, actually had mentors, Ching asked those present to choose (call out) the mentors they prefer. Nelle chose me and Ching when she was asked. So now, I have Renzo, Nelle, Marlyn and Loise as my mentees.
In the photo below, Cristina, Leah and I were content with 2-thumbs up signs. Not Ching. Ching would have a "2-punches up" gesture ala Aquaman.
Here's a scanned image of today's meeting program.
And that's... a wrap!
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