As shown in the photo above, Anne and I held up the Toastmaster magazine where we were both featured in the Meet My Mentor column.
In today's meeting, I was a prepared speech (for 2 speakers) and table topics evaluator. They had a full line-up of 6 speakers. If the energy of the club today was any indication (many volunteers), there would be full line-ups in the meetings to come.
Although I asked for a slot in today's meeting for my Connect with Storytelling speech, none was available. But that's okay. They already had a full list of excited speakers - which is a good thing! Instead, I'll be looking to deliver my speech in the May 5, 2018 BFComm Toastmasters meeting.
Anne officially announced to the group, that I will be her partner as club mentor, even if it hasn't been reflected yet in TI's records. It will be my first time to be a Club Mentor. I'm hoping to complete the mentorship and apply it towards my ALS norm.
And that's... a wrap!
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