Attending were (front, L-R): Ching Bognot, Leah Catapia, Krissy R., Cristina Yung, Jazmyn Santiago (guest), (back, L-R): Lawrence de Guzman, Abby Espiritu, Ed Ramirez, me, Mark Anthony Alagos (guest), Mark Andrew Nuqui (guest), Marlon Sanchez and Jude Ola.
Two-Hour Meeting is Achievable
We had a break time of 5 minutes which was timed by the Meeting Timer. No extensions! We then proceeded immediately to the Evaluation portion. The goal of a strict 2-hour meeting was tight, but certainly very doable.
I didn't deliver a speech today. For the interest of time, slots for prepared speaker have been pared down to just 4 from the previous 5.
I was waiting for a back-out so I could deliver my Present a Proposal speech, and someone did (Judith). Little did I realize that I was a 2nd chance speaker. Ching was the 1st chance speaker and took Judith's slot. All is well, though.
So for today, I took on the Invocation (very short, in the interest of time) and Toastmaster's Pledge. Below is the Invocation piece I chose. It's non-denominational, and best of all, short. Previously, I'd customize it for the meeting, but from hereon, it's what I intend to give for brevity.
"In today's meeting, may each one here give and receive supportive and positive feedback so that we continue to develop and grow our leadership and communication skills. Amen."
The "Amen" is just there to signal to the audience that I'm done with the Invocation. Then I lead the reciting of the Toastmaster's Promise.
Embarrassing Table Topics Evaluation
I was also Table Topics Evaluator (below left) and later evaluated Ching' speech (below right).

For the first time, I evaluated a Table Topics Master or Topicsmaster, but then forgot to note the Topicsmaster's name (Ching). It was rather a bit embarrassing when I gave my Table Topics evaluation. Lessons learned: always write the Topicsmasters' name in the evaluation of table topics as you would do with the respondents' names.
Results of Election of Officers for 2018-2019
Briefly, the new set of officers was announced today by Pres. Leah. The online voting process was announced by Leah last May 5, 2018. So, here now is the list of Incoming and Outgoing Officers of BF Community Toastmasters Club for the year 2018-2019.
Position | Outgoing | Incoming |
President | Leah Catapia | Ching Bognot |
VP Education | Krissy R. | Ed Ramirez |
VP Membership | Duchess Munsayac | Duchess Munsayac |
VP Public Relations | Russell Santos | Cristina Yung |
Secretary | Ching Bognot | Renzo Vergel de Dios |
Treasurer | Cristina Yung | Marlon Sanchez |
Sergeant at Arms | Les Aquino | Les Aquino |
Discussion on Legacy and Pathways
At the brief fellowship that ensued after the meeting, I had the opportunity to discuss with Ching the Legacy and the Pathways programs of Toastmasters.
She sought advise and and tips on how to go ahead with Toastmasters right after her CL and CC norms. I thought it was a pleasant and productive discussion as I shared with her my experiences in both programs.
And that's... a wrap!
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