Shown below are (front, L-R): Ching, Dolly, guest, Duchess, Cristina, Leah, Judith and Abby; (back, L-R): Ed, guest John, me, Doni, guest Mark, Alvin, guest ZT, Nat, Renzo, Lawrence and Jude.
There were only four speakers for today. Originally scheduled were five. One (Ralph), backed out before the program was printed and the other (Marlon), after the program was printed. With three speakers left, I became the fourth speaker, being a chance or backup speaker.
I almost wasn't able to deliver my speech since the room was only reserved until 4 pm. I'm glad I insisted on delivering my Connect With Storytelling speech. I've been wanting to deliver it since last night at the UPS 3rd Toastmasters Meeting where I was a prepared speech and table topics evaluator.
My Connect with Storytelling speech is a variation of an older advanced speech project Bringing History to Life, entitled, "A Painting and a Plate". It's a fun and fascinating story which is why I liked it. Many enjoyed the speech and the Evaluator expressed pride in being a Filipino.
Here, I'm taking on the character of Juan Luna where he beckons the Spanish waiter so he could order a bottle of cerveza.
After I was evaluated by club hopper Doni, I had to interrupt General Evaluator Ed with a disclaimer. Several parts of the story were fictional embellishments and I said I didn't want to be a source of fake news.
I sort of felt that my disclaimer was a bit of a downer. So I clarified that it should not diminish the greatness of the iconic Filipino painter. After all, everything else is true: the Spoliarium, the Gold Medal at the Exposition, and his besting all the notable painters across Europe, including France, Spain and Italy.
And that's... a wrap!
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