Saturday, April 7, 2018

Apr 7, 2018 Toastmasters Meeting - Connect With Your Audience

It was an animated meeting today as I delivered my Connect With Your Audience speech, Level 2 of Innovative Planning path in Pathways. As a strategy to connect with the audience, I asked for a couple of volunteers, new member Lorenzo and guest Ken, to assist me with the magic show demo part in the speech.

(photo credits: Duchess Munsayac)

Here's me demonstrating an imaginary pull-up that looks like a "which-hand-has-the-pebble?" magic trick.

Kids, don't try this at home. Showing a progressive pull-up technique with a DIY assistance band.

I had a full plate today: Invocation, Krissy's Evaluator, Ed's Evaluator, Table Topics Evaluator and even delivered my speech. Whew!

I asked for an extension on the break because I couldn't finish all evaluation jobs. And that's why I had to beg off from the Guest Attendant role which attends to new guests during the break. I simply can no longer fit that role in.

Attending the club meeting today were (L-R): Abi (guest), Ed, Russel, Lawrence (guest), Rey, Ralph, Leah, Cristina, Krissy, Judith (new member), Ken (guest), me and Lorenzo (new member).

More new faces in a productive meeting!

And that's... a wrap!