Attending in today's meeting were (L-R): 1st row: Marlon Sanchez, Ed Ramirez, Anne "Gorgeous" Macalintal, Leah Catapia, Dolly delos Reyes, Ching Bognot, me, Michelle Santos, Russell Santos, Alvin Panghulan, Ellen de Guzman. 2nd row: Leonzo Escolar, Marilyn Malinao, Cristina Yung, Loise Banez, Abelle (guest), Nelle Cirujales. 3rd row: Chloe de Guzman and Raul dela Vega. Eric Advincula delivered a speech but had to leave earlier.
First Division H Council Meeting
Incoming Division H Director Anne and Past Division Director Raul attended a morning meeting with Toto Gustilo, Ching Bognot, Jen Espanto, Ed Ramirez and Leah Catapia. This was to be the first Division H Council meeting for the Toastmasters year 2019-2020.
I was pleasantly surprised to see all of them at the Cassalu main restaurant. As Sgt-at-Arms, I always come early to set up club paraphernalia in the function room.
Meeting Program Revisions
After I set up the banners and club equipment, I was informed by VP-Ed Ed that Incoming Division H Director Anne Macalintal wanted to be Toastmaster of the Day and Raul dela Vega will be General Evaluator.
Of course we welcomed their volunteering for the roles. But since they, the Division H Council, were having a late lunch, it was decided to delay the club meeting start time by 30 minutes.
Table Topics with Nominations Mixed In
Since it was Club Election Fever for TM Year 2019-2020, Topicsmaster Leah decided to involve all the election nominees (including me) into Table Topics. The topic given to all was, "What does the club needs to move forward?"
Yup, there were no volunteers this time. As I was first to be called, I didn't have much time to compose a decent speech for any speech pattern. I started with SMG, but was going nowhere so I switched to PREP midway.
Table Topics Evaluator Dolly exclaimed that I used the AIDA pattern (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). Ah, so THAT's what it was! Leah was later amused when I admitted I hadn't intended that. Haha.
Here's the complete list of nominees and the nominated positions:
Interview with the Incoming Area Director
It was not my usual club participation today since I was asked by Ching to take part in her speech. She was taking on a Presentation Mastery Level 3 Elective: Prepare for an Interview.
The speech was entitled, "A Perspective on Leadership", and my part in her speech was to be the interviewer. She was to be interviewed as the Incoming Area Director (replacing me).
So, yeah, it was a mock interview where I asked her to describe her leadership style and experience. At the conclusion of my interview with her, I gave a brief spiel on 2014 WCPS Champion Dananjaya's speech "I See Something" for comedy relief.
Yummy Break
Before the Evaluation portion, we had a 15-minute break. Some of us had it outside the "aquarium" venue since it wasn't too hot outside. I really liked the spicy buffalo chicken wings and pasta combo.
Over chicken wings and pasta, I had a brief chat with Marlon, Marilyn, Loise and Loise's guest from Pru-Life, Abelle.
After the club meeting, we had the requisite photo-op outside. We had to do it outside because there were many attendees. Here's a wacky shot outside. While others did the usual "fight" pose, I did my Mar "The Traffic Enforcer" Roxas hand gesture. Haha.
Here's a scanned copy of today's meeting program.
And that's... a wrap!
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