Educational Portion
Porsh Maliksi was the Grammarian of the meeting and (below-left) she introduced the Word of the Day as well as point to it. The Word of the Day was RUMINATE.
Russell Santos (below-right) had plenty of practice today as first respondent in the Table Topics portion with Ching as Topicsmaster. Other respondents were Jude, Cristina, Ralph and Carlo.
In the Prepared Speech portion, we had Lilia Sarmiento (below) as first of the prepared speakers delivering her Ice Breaker Speech for the Presentation Mastery path. The other prepared speakers were Carlo Jabat, Jude Ola and Dolly delos Reyes.
Meeting Break
After Table Topics and Prepared Speeches, jointly called the Educational Portion, we had a well-deserved break. Some folks were raring to eat, as we see Ralph Lim checking out the snack table.
Snacks breaks in our meetings are very much welcome and allow time for some refreshing fellowship and bonding. It's the opportune time for socialization and updating on each other.
Here's what we had at the snack table: Alfredo pasta, Fried Chicken with sweet lemon sauce, tortilla chips with salsa and dipping sauce. Hmmm. Yumyum.
This was understandably a quiet time for some to enjoy the meal. The rest were outside for some fresh air. That was quite a heavy snack!
Evaluation Portion
Back to the grind! Below-left, Pat Maliksi gave her evaluation on the Table Topics portion of the meeting. After the speech evaluators, Porsh Maliksi (below-right) delivered the Grammarian's Report.
Loise Banez is shown below giving the Ah-Counter's Report. Lita Hidalgo (below-right, seated) gave the Timer's report thereafter.
President Cristina Yung gave some updates on the upcoming Area Contest this February 1 and enjoined everyone to support our contestants.
Freebies! As there were some extra freebies, Pres. Cristina decided to raffle off a couple of coffee mugs. Receiving the coffee mugs were Lilia Sarmiento (below-left) and Ralph Lim (below-right).
It was almost 7 pm when we finished (for a meeting that starts at 3 pm!). You can see from the photo below that some shops, like the ones behind me have already closed.
For the final group photo, we were lucky to have Division H's "crush ng bayan" Division Director Anne Macalintal.
Here's the program for today's meeting.
And that's... a wrap!
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