Ching is a co-club member and is one of my Guidance Committee members. She will help facilitate the workshops as Timer or Timekeeper. Unfortunately, Raul, the assigned evaluator already messaged that he might be late.
Not sure how to proceed with the workshop without a "third-leg", Ching and I updated our program flow to revise the tasks. I'll still handle the Toastmaster of the Day and Topicsmaster roles and, in addition, the Timer role. Ching would have to focus on all the evaluation for Table Topics and Prepared Speeches. She's a natural for evaluation, having been the Division's Evaluation Champion last year.
Right after the opening remarks of Minnie, the parish coordinator, Ching went on to facilitate an energizer activity. The kids had no problems at all, and in fact enjoyed it much.
After the energizer, it's back to me as Toastmaster of the Day where I gave a background on Toastmasters as well as Public Speaking. There was a laptop available and this was for the presentation slides of my other Guidance Committee member, Raul, who hasn't arrived. Without the main presentation slides Raul promised, I simply verbalized most of what I remember on the subject matter with a few presentation slides I prepared.
Fortunately, when it came to the Table Topics demo and workshop, Ching and I had no major problems. It was a little tough getting volunteers though. Those who did volunteer, well, you'd easily see they're adequate speakers already - just need a little polishing. Here's Chris, one of the Altar Servers, who participated in Table Topics.
After the Table Topics workshop, we had a short break for snacks. The Parish Coordinator supplied the refreshments for the kids. Before this workshop, I was worried that some kids may not be coming back after the break. That was not the case here.
I'd venture to say that the kids were very much well-behaved. But just to be sure, before the break, I admonished them to look at their seatmates, left and right, and ensure that everyone comes back.
The break gave me ample time to create slides on the fly. With the laptop, I added more to my workshop slides. The additional slides were to help me discuss concepts that I could think of on prepared speeches.
When we re-convened, I discussed Prepared Speeches. I showed them an outline of a speech they would be writing and Ching gave a demo using that outline. The speech-writing period allowed me to take my own break, rest and even have some pictures taken with Minnie and other participants.
After all the speeches were delivered, we gave out prizes for Best Speakers. Here's Ching and I being given a certificate of appreciation, signed by the Parish Priest, from Minnie.
From the PCJ Parish, we went directly to Mystic Brew for lunch. We were rather surprised to find Cristina and Duchess there. Both of them were rehearsing their contest pieces which were to be delivered as regular speeches for the day's regular Toastmasters meeting.
From Mystic Brew, we all went to our homebase, Mary Mother of the Church Parish (MMCP) for the Feb.17 regular Toastmasters meeting.
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