Guidance Committee Members of the High Performance Leadership Project
- Raul de la Vega is the 1st Guidance Committee member I recruited. He's well-versed in giving demo presentations to new Toastmasters clubs. He has ready-made slides for projects like this one and he has volunteered to be one of the facilitators. Unfortunately, Raul couldn't make it to this HPL Project Review Meeting at Mystic Brew Restaurant. He had to beg off right after the COT2.
- Minnie Ramas is my 2nd Guidance Committee member. She became a member by default because she is the PCJ Parish Coordinator and will be the team's contact person at the Parish. She will be in charge of logistics like providing the training room, multi-media projector and laptop for the presentations and workshops. She will also be identifying the participants and their specific training needs.
Minnie has a regular job at ADB and is usually busy during weekends at the parish. She won't be attending today's Project Review Meeting. But, like Raul, she will be kept in the loop and will be informed of the minutes of the meeting.
- Ching Bognot was recruited as my 3rd Guidance Committee member. She shared with me her ideas on how workshops with kids would work when she mentioned a friend whose son attends similar workshops at his school. In the past, Ching has been involved with conducting career orientation roadshows to schools. Her presentations in schools allowed her to interact with students, so she has plenty of experience with older kids.
- Russel Santos became the 4th Guidance Committee member today. In today's discussions, Russell showed much interest on the HPL Project. Russell, being a Guidance Counselor, is very much experienced in working with kids and has plenty of ideas to make the HPL workshops both engaging and effective, especially on the portion on Table Topics.
It was quite a productive session. This meeting is one of the milestones of the HPL project.
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