Saturday, January 6, 2018

Jan 6, 2018 Toastmasters Meeting

Took on the role of General Evaluator for the first Toastmasters Club meeting for the year. In the photo below, I'm adding on to CC Loise's evaluation of the Table Topics portion.

(photo credits: Duchess Munsayac)

Other members were still out on the first meeting. We only had 2 prepared speakers and Pres. Leah received her CL Award Pin from Duchess.

Shown below are (L-R): Ching Bognot, Loise Banez, Duchess Munsayac, Leah Catapia, me, Ed Ramirez, Chris Reyes, Marlon Sanchez and Russell Santos.

Before the regular club meeting, we had an officer's meeting at 12:30 pm. In this meeting, Pres. Leah gave me a TM Club name tag as shown below. So cool! Thank you, Pres. Leah.

The preceding photos show me wearing it at the club meeting. Since last year, we've been having an officer's meeting on the first meeting of the month at the Mystic Brew Restaurant. Mystic Brew is a stone's throw away from our club meeting venue at the Mary Mother of the Church Parish.

Other noteworthy highlights:
  1. VP-Ed Krissy was able to submit my ALB application early this ear, and I officially received my ALB award last Jan 4, 2018. I received my ACG award last Nov 18, 2017.

  2. After Anne's submission of her article for the Meet My Mentor column of the Toastmaster magazine, the article was finally approved by Mary Nesfield. The article was sent by Anne last Oct 29, 2017. I gave my corrections on the article today, Jan 6, 2018.