As usual, we have the club members of the BF Community Club supporting our area-level contest winners. Shown above (L-R): me, AD Ching Bognot, PDD Jeff Ganaba, Loise Banez, Porsh Maliksi, Jude Ola, Lilia Sarmiento, Pat Maliksi, AD Leah Catapia, AD Ed Ramirez, Ellen de Guzman, and PAD Duchess Cruz-Munsayac.
Shown below is the official flyer that invited everyone to come and enjoy the contests.
Many thanks to the cheerful team from Johnson and Johnson Toastmasters Club who were there early to man the registration tables. Shown below are: Pat Jubilado and Jeff Lobo.
Apart from the distinction of representing the entire Division H to the district level competition at District 75, the winners will take these trophies.
Just before the contest proceedings started, Chief Judge Neb Perez (below-standing) gave a brief orientation to the contest judges.
That's Bernardino Mazon (seated) giving the peace sign. Other judges in the photo below are: Cathy Bachoco, JK Lopez (hidden), Janette Parra, Eds Gascon, and Patrick Azanza.
To start off the contest, Contest Chair and Division Director Anne Macalintal (below-left) called the meeting to order. I then took control of the proceedings as the Toastmaster of the Day (below-right).
As Toastmaster of the Day (TOD), my main function was to host the entire meeting especially in the transitions between contests. There are a couple of short video clips of me in the Humorous Contest section in the lower part of this article.
Evaluation Speech Contest
Evaluation was the first of the four contests and our Test Speaker was Leslie Ann Saban with her Test Speech entitled, "Until You Found You".
After her Test Speech, it was the Contestants time to evaluate the speech, one by one. One of the contestants was Odeltha Odeza de Vera (below-onstage).
AD Ed Ramirez (seated-leftmost) was the Contest Master for the Evaluation Contest. I, was seated at the left (front table) and was positioned there until the next contest.
The other division contestants for Evaluation were: Daniel Gorospe (Microspeak), Abe Jun Clarito (Fluor), Einar Abuyuan (MSATC) and Joel Brian dela Cruz (QSI).
In the photo below, the judges are busy scoring an Evaluation contestant. Contest judges included Pam Ferrer, JK Lopez, Janette Parra, and Cathy Bachoco.
Video of Evaluation Speeches
Below is the video compilation of all Evaluation Speeches in this Division H Contest. The Test Speech of Leslie Ann Saban appears at the start of the video.
Table Topics Speech Contest
The next contest was Table Topics. Shown below is AD John Jucar as Contest Master at the lectern and the contestant on stage is Van Callanta (Alabang Community Toastmasters Club)
Other contestants for Table Topics included Abe Jun Clarito (Fluor), Francis Galinato (Microspeak TMC), Tzarina Saldana (MSATC), and Loise Banez (BF Community TMC).
Video of Table Topics Speeches
Below is the video compilation of all Table Topics Speeches in the Division H Contest.
Humorous Speech Contest
The third contest for the morning (and for the day) was the Humorous Speech Contest. This time, it was AD Leah Catapia (below-seated left) as the Contest Master. Shown onstage is Jude Anthony Ola (BF Community TMC).
The other Humorous Speech contestants were: Murriel Natiola (below-left) from Microspeak, and Michael Unson (below-right) from Alabang Community TMC.
Video of the Humorous Speeches
Below is the video compilation of the Humorous Speeches in this Division H Contest. My introduction of the contest appears at the start.
Here's a short clip where I segue from the Humorous Speech Contest to break for lunch.
International Prepared Speech Contest
After lunch, it was time for the International Prepared Speech Contest. For this contest, it was AD Ching Bognot's turn to be Contest Master.
In the photo below, Ching steps down as Contestant Duchess Cruz-Munsayac (Alabang Community TMC) is about to begin.
The other contestants who saw action in the International Prepared Speech Contest were: Tzarina Saldana (below-left) from Metro South Alabang TMC, and Jude Anthony Ola (below-right) from BF Community TMC.
Video of the International Prepared Speeches
Below is the video compilation of the International Prepared Speeches in this Division H Contest.
Promotional Material for the Discon 2020
Right after the International Prepared Speech Contest, Janette Parra went on stage to promote the upcoming Discon 2020 in Bicol. She even gave out some raffle prizes (c/o DD Anne Macalintal) for some trivia questions regarding the Discon.
Here is Division H's Promotional Video to Join the Division Contest as a ticket to Discon 2020:
(video credits: Leah Catapia)
Division H Contest Winners for 2019-2020
With all ballots turned-in and votes tallied, it was time to announce the winners. A poignant anecdote to the entire proceedings was the absence of the customary Toastmaster handshakes.
Right at the start, I suggested the fist-bump as a substitute to handshaking. This was the time when the CCP Covid-19 virus was starting to spread rapidly, hence the protocol. Below, DD Anne and AD Ed are amused with fist-bumping during the awarding in Evaluation.
In Evaluation: 1st Place - Daniel Gorospe, 2nd Place - Einer Abuyuan, and 3rd Place - Abe Jun Clarito. Contest Master - AD Ed Ramirez.
In Table Topics: 1st Place - Abe Jun Clarito, 2nd Place - Tzarina Saldana, and 3rd Place - Van Callanta. Contest Master - AD John Jucar.
In Humorous Speech: 1st Place - Jude Anthony Ola, 2nd Place - Murriel Natiola, and 3rd Place - Michael Unson. Contest Master - AD Leah Catapia.
And for International Prepared Speech: 1st Place - Jude Edmon Anthony Ola, 2nd Place - Tzarina Saldana, 3rd Place - Duchess Cruz-Munsayac. Contest Master - AD Ching Bognot.
Photo-Ops After the Contest
Naturally, there were the usual photo-ops. Below, I'm with the four Area Directors at the back with the Alabang Community Toastmasters Club which was my previous club.
Finally, the requisite group picture.
Shown below is today's Contest Program.
And that's... a wrap!
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