The Professional Speaker #5 - The Motivational Speech

(See sample speech here)

Executive Summary

A motivational speaker's purpose is to supply listeners with the impetus to achieve a goal. Appeal to the audience's beliefs and values through dramatization, vibrant stories and enthusiasm. Give them an incentive and persuade them to embrace your message.


  • Understand the concept and nature of motivational speaking

  • Apply a four-step motivational method with the purpose of persuading and inspiring

  • Deliver a motivational speech to persuade an audience to emotionally commit to an action

TIME: Fifteen to twenty minutes - longer if club program allows

Your Project Speech

Prepare, rehearse and deliver a 15- to 20-minute motivational speech designed to persuade and inspire your listeners to achieve personal success. Create vivid word pictures, use dynamic gestures and dramatize your speech.

This information is provided as a service to members. For full details on this speech project, refer to The Professional Speaker manual. All materials in the Toastmasters Educational Program are copyright Toastmasters International. All rights reserved.

The Professional Speaker Manual

Professional speakers can give a variety of presentations to a variety of audiences. This manual offers guidance in preparing and presenting a keynote address, an entertaining speech, a sales training speech, a seminar and a motivational speech. Includes information about marketing yourself as a professional speaker.

(See sample speech here)