The Entertaining Speaker

Click on the Speech Project for the speech summary. Click on the Speech Title (in quotation marks) for the sample speech.

Speech #1 - The Entertaining Speech
Sample Speech: "That Extra Mile", Aug. 9, 2006, Kimberly-Clark Phils., San Pedro, Laguna.

This is the story of my unforgettable first trip to the United States and the confusion that happened at the airport. I had fun reliving the experience. It also had its share of dramatic moments especially when I read the heartfelt letter of commendation given to the American driver who helped me out from a very difficult situation.

This speech became my winning contest piece (Prepared Speech) in the Area-level Quartethlon Contest in 2006.

Speech #2 - Resources for Entertainment
Sample Speech: "That Extra Mile", Sep. 6, 2006, Diageo Phils., Sta. Rosa, Laguna

I practiced this speech in preparation for the 2006 Quartethlon in the Prepared Speech Category. I focused on the speech as Jim Bradley's story rather than my own. Hence it was Jim's story that I was telling here. It was a close call though. Luckily the evaluator considered it for this speech project. Maybe the resource story should have been about a well-known person? Again, the speech had its jaw-dropping effect on the audience.

Speech #3 - Make Them Laugh
Sample Speech: "Motel 101", Nov. 6, 2006, Kimberly-Clark Phils., San Pedro, Laguna.

Here's the part two of my entertaining speech. These are the events that occurred after the airport incident. It describes the funny and awkward moments for a newbie traveler in a motel in a foreign land. Yes, it did elicit smiles and laughter from the audience especially with my gestures. I could have made the questions about motels a bit tamer though.

Update: A fellow Toastmaster from overseas at Brewer Science TM Club in the U.S. credited this speech and website after incorporating my original story into his speech, using the exact title. Watch his speech delivery here.

Speech #4 - A Dramatic Talk
Sample Speech: "A Christmas Ride with my Kawasaki Girl", Dec.12,2006, NXP Toastmasters Club, Philips Semiconductors, Calamba, Laguna

This has to be one of my most memorable speeches. I knew eversince that one day I'd be delivering a speech about my daughter's (Sandra) bout with the Kawasaki disease. And this was it. My eyes welled with tears every time I rehearsed the speech. I modified the setting a bit to fit the time (Christmas). The timing was right as the club's company (Philips) was having their Christmas Party. And so I tweaked the speech title - really cool yet cryptic. The audience' eyes were all glued to me. I'm certain I noticed a tear or two in the audience who were mostly parents.

Speech #5 - Speaking After Dinner (1st Attempt)
Sample Speech: "Breaking the Ice", Feb 16, 2007, ON Semiconductor, Carmona, Cavite

This is the last speech that I would be delivering for the ON Semiconductor Club before it folds-up. Up to this point, none of the Club dues have been renewed and there were no talks of having them renewed. We were still reeling over the resignation of active and supportive toastmasters. I wanted to welcome and motivate the new guests to the club with this speech and so my simulated setting was welcoming new guests to the club after a club dinner. Many liked the speech and delivery. But after almost 2 weeks mulling over the speech and procrastinating, the evaluator said he felt the speech did not meet the objectives. What do you think?

Speech #5 - Speaking After Dinner (2nd Attempt)
Sample Speech: "My Message on Your Wedding Day", May 10, 2007, ACT Club, Henlin, Alabang Northgate, Muntinlupa City

Feeling disappointed with my first attempt at the Speaking After Dinner project, I scrapped the topic altogether and wrote a new piece about an imaginary event. This would be the first of my "kwentong-kutsero" series which I really enjoyed delivering because they have hilarious twists. One way to immediately connect is to use a member of the audience as a prop as I did here. How did my prop-person feel? She was thrilled! This would be my first speech in the new club as an official member and not as a club-hopper. My old club couldn't sustain itself and just faded away. I'm happy with this new beginning.